Holy Trinity Sunday Morning Musings

Our Mass yesterday was officiated by Fr. Frank, he is our permanent fill-in whenever needed. I like Fr. Frank, he is from Malta and is very intelligent so I was looking forward to his sermon on the Holy Trinity. He kept it very simple explaining how the Trinity is a mystery and one that we will probably never really understand until the time we pass on into the heavenly realm. He spoke about St. Patrick and how he taught the Irish converts about the Trinity using the three leaf clover, one stem, three leaves! I think what amazes me the most when I spend time thinking about the Trinity is that all three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, existed from the beginning. All three were present for the creation of the world. It’s in the bible! Let’s look at Genesis, Chapter 2, verse 26: “Then God said: ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…'” Note the use of “us” and “our” in that verse. This is just one of the things that causes me joy when I think about the end of this mortal life of mine, I can’t wait to learn the truth about all these mysteries surrounding my faith!

Before I move on this morning I would like to take a moment to mention Mary, the mother of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This is the final Sunday in May, the month we honor Mary. Yes, I said honor, not worship! Without Mary’s consent Jesus would have had no earthly vessel to assist his becoming human while maintaining his divinity. She is a special woman, she was the first disciple, she was given as mother to us at the foot of the cross. It is only right that we honor her just as we honored our earthly mothers earlier this month. In her honor I would like to share with you a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow written to Mary.

Her Feet Shod with Holiness
And, if our faith had given us nothing more
Than this Example, of all Womanhood,
So mild, so merciful, so strong, so good,
So patient, so peaceful, loyal, loving, pure –
This were enough to prove it higher and truer
Than all the creeds the world had known before.
Virgin, who lovest the poor and lonely,
If the loud cry of a mother’s heart
Can ever ascend to where thou art,
Into thy blessed hands and holy
Receive my prayer of praise and thanksgiving
Let the hands that bore our Savior bear it
Into the awful presence of God;
For thy feet with holiness are shod,
And, if thou bearest it, he will hear it.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I pray that I may be more like Mary, always seeking first to do the will of my Lord. Have a blessed week.


  1. Peggy said,

    June 2, 2010 at 10:19 am

    I think if we look at God in his nature, we can better understand the Trinity. God is not a person like us – splitting a person into three pieces makes no sense to us. God is true Spirit – going back to our catechesis – Where is God? God is everywhere. As true Spirit, we can better understand him being everywhere. From him, from this spirit, the second person (not as in a material being like us originally) was sent and took on human form – he became a man while maintaining his divinity. Then, he took on a form that we humans could comprehend – a dove, tongues of fire, etc. The Holy Spirit is the culmination of the promise from God. Now that Jesus no longer walks on earth as “person”, the Holy Spirit proceeded to lead us to the Father, through the Son.

  2. Dominicus Utama said,

    June 26, 2010 at 1:11 am

    One thing that I notice in the pattern of 3 in the bible and through my faith journey:

    3: Father, Son, Holy Spirit (Trinity)
    3: Jesus died at 3pm on Friday
    3: Jesus died at the age of 33
    3: Jesus rise from the dead 3 days after
    3: God, Family, Work (Our priorities)
    3: God 1st, You are 2nd and I am 3rd (In loving our neighbors)
    3: Know, Love and Serve our Lord
    3: Create is hard, Maintain is harder, Destroy is easiest (In faith, relationship, work and etc)
    3: Seeking, Finding and Loving Christ (St Josemaria in his book ‘The Way’)

  3. Peggy said,

    June 28, 2010 at 9:21 am

    Very thought provoking. I ran across another pattern of 3 this morining. It is from the Catecsim: 436 The word “Christ” comes from the Greek translation of the Hebrew Messiah, whcih means “anointed.” It became the name proper to Jesus only because he accomplished perfectly the divine mission tha “Christ” signifies. In effect, in Israel those consecrated to God for a mission that he gave were anointed in his name. This was the case for kings, for priests and, in rare instances, for prophets. This had to be the case all the more so for the Messiah whom God would send to inaugurate his kingdom definitively. It was necessart that the Messiah be anointed by the Spirit of the Lord at once as king and priest, and also as prophet. Jesus fulfilled the messianic hope of Israel in his threefold office of priest, prophet and king. (Acts 16:16-18; 19:13-16; Mk 16:17; Jn 15:16;Cf. Ex 29:7; Lev 8:12; 1Sam 9:16; 10:1;16:1;,12-13; 1Kings 1:39; 19:16; Cf Ps 2:2; Acts 4:26-27; Cf Isa 11:2;61:1; Aech 4:14;6:13; Lk 4:16-21)

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